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My first grinder runs

I downloaded grinder 3.4, and unpacked. I installed java jdk on my machine. Inside the root directory of my installation I added following scripts: setGrinderEnv.cmd
set GRINDERPATH=C:\development\grinder-3.4
set GRINDERPROPERTIES=C:\development\grinder-3.4\
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Programme\Java\jdk1.6.0_20
set GRINDERPATH=C:\development\grinder-3.4
call %GRINDERPATH%\setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -Duser.language="en" -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.TCPProxy -console -http >
set GRINDERPATH=C:\development\grinder-3.4
call %GRINDERPATH%\setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -Duser.language="en" -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Console
set GRINDERPATH=C:\development\grinder-3.4
call %GRINDERPATH%\setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -Duser.language="en" -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Grinder %GRINDERPROPERTIES%
I also dropped a file in root directory of grinder-3.4:
grinder.processes = 1
grinder.threads = 3
grinder.runs = 2
grinder.useConsole = false
grinder.dcrinstrumentation = true
grinder.logDirectory = logs
grinder.numberOfOldLogs = 0
With this, an agent will execute the script:
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder

test1 = Test(1, "Log method")

# Wrap the output() method with our Test and call the result logWrapper.
logWrapper = test1.wrap(grinder.getLogger().output)

class TestRunner:
    def __call__(self):
        logWrapper("Hello World2")
I can execute the script by calling startAgent.cmd. After execution I get a subdirectory called log, with data and output files in it. The output file shows:
04.06.10 10:47:40 (process emeafralp560-0): starting threads
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 2): starting, will do 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 1): starting, will do 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 0): starting, will do 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (process emeafralp560-0): start time is 1275641260135 ms since Epoch
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 0): sleeping for 10 ms
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 1): sleeping for 1 ms
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 2): sleeping for 4 ms
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 2 run 0 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 1 run 0 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 0 run 0 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 1 run 1 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 1 test 1): finished 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 0 run 1 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 0 test 1): finished 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 2 run 1 test 1): Hello World2
04.06.10 10:47:40 (thread 2 test 1): finished 2 runs
04.06.10 10:47:40 (process emeafralp560-0): elapsed time is 22 ms
As my grinder properties file tells to use 3 threads, and 2 runs for each thread, the Hello World2 got written 6 times. My data output shows the test times that the Test Proxy of the script recorded:
Thread, Run, Test, Start time (ms since Epoch), Test time, Errors
0, 0, 1, 1275641260152, 0, 0
1, 0, 1, 1275641260152, 0, 0
2, 0, 1, 1275641260152, 1, 0
1, 1, 1, 1275641260153, 0, 0
0, 1, 1, 1275641260154, 0, 0
2, 1, 1, 1275641260154, 0, 0
This output is a bit boring, as I did not make any http request. With the next file I do:
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest

test1 = Test(1, "Request resource")
request1 = test1.wrap(HTTPRequest())

class TestRunner:
    def __call__(self):
        result = request1.GET("http://emeafraippqa08:80/")
I need to adapt to use this as grinder.script, and then can run startAgent.cmd again. Now my data output looks like:
Thread, Run, Test, Start time (ms since Epoch), Test time, Errors, HTTP response code, HTTP response length, HTTP response errors, Time to resolve host, Time to establish connection, Time to first byte
1, 0, 1, 1275650338473, 60, 0, 200, 327, 0, 23, 33, 50
1, 1, 1, 1275650338535, 2, 0, 200, 327, 0, 0, 0, 1
2, 0, 1, 1275650338473, 3105, 0, 200, 327, 0, 22, 3085, 3094
0, 0, 1, 1275650338481, 3097, 0, 200, 327, 0, 23, 3085, 3094
2, 1, 1, 1275650341579, 5, 0, 200, 327, 0, 0, 1, 3
0, 1, 1, 1275650341579, 7, 0, 200, 327, 0, 0, 1, 2


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