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SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated

Got this problem on Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.10.
svn co --username=xx https:/yy zz
“SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated”
According to this link bug-ubuntu The solution is:
sudo apt-get install libneon27
cd /usr/lib/
sudo rm
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/


Şulezinha said…
Thanks a lot! I have searched a lot on internet and it works perfectly. I am happy to use svn on ubuntu :)
Xingzhong said…
Thanks, work perfect on Debian
Kalpesh Patel said…
Thanks a lot it worked on Ubuntu like a charm.
DanielDK said…
It worked like a charm ( talking to beanstalk from rapidsvn)
CalcProgrammer1 said…
Works for me on Debian Testing (Wheezy), was having the issue installing ROS (Robot OS) from SVN.
Rafał Nowak said…
Doesn't work
James Marjie said…
Fixed my issue with Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot.
alecive said…
I really love you!

Worked like a charm also on Ubuntu 11.10 (even if with Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 I didn't experienced this issue).

Can you please explain me what I did on my laptop?
oRcHiD said…
thank you soo much~!!! :)
Raj said…
Thanks very very much.......
Waseem said…
Awesome! After wasting an hour on nailing down SSL handshake issue with SVN, your step-by-step instructions just killed the issue right off the bat! Thanks :)
Tapan said…
Thanks :)

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