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Setting up maven project to do first interactive test

The pom file

A basic pom file that sets up all dependencies for your interactive selenium-groovy testing contains following:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




<!--     <dependency>
        </dependency>       -->


        <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
          only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->







                  <arguments />




I don't want to explain maven, I don't want to go through this pom file in detail. But it will help you with:
  • solving all dependencies of selenium 2.20
  • setup a profile for each browser
  • setup a profile for a test environment
  • setup a profile for a specific test target, or run-console.
All dependencies should be part of maven public repositories, so the repository setting can remain empty. When we have implemented some code, we can execute our selenium groovy console with:
mvn clean test -P firefox,development,run-console  


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