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Using sdhc card from boot

My Eee PC 901 runs Ubuntu. I have no hard disk, but just an internal sd card, and an additional inserted sdhc card in the sd card slot.
I wanted to have all my /home stuff on the external card, so that in case of crash, I can just buy a new card. The internal card is more difficult to replace, so I want to use the external card for whatever possible.

As the ext card has my /home directory, I need it to be available on boot.

With lsusb I found the details of my card, and then added an udev rule

jan@eee901:~/svn/hydra_test$ more /etc/udev/rules.d/01-jankester.rules
BUS=="usb", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{serial}=="058F63356336", NAME="SDHC", OPTIONS+="last_rule", RUN+="/bin/mount /dev/SDHC"

Now I added entry in fstab:
/dev/SDHC /home ext3 defaults,noatime 0


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